We are pleased to announce that yesterday, the fourth session of the training for six youth from the Roma, Egyptian, and Ashkali communities in Pristina took place, as part of the project “Countering Negative Stereotypes about the Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian Communities in Kosovo through Media Initiatives.”
This training is organized by the Center for Innovation and Development, in collaboration with KosovaPress, and is funded by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).
During this session, the youth were trained in news production, reporting, documentary making, and the proper methodologies for field reporting. This activity aims to enhance the participants’ capacities in creating and distributing media content that counters stereotypes and discrimination against marginalized communities.
We believe that empowering these youth will contribute to building a more equal and just society for all.
#Kosovo #MediaInitiative #Training #Youth #RomaAshkaliEgyptianCommunities #UNMIK #Inclusion